Spring Runoff
We received word today from the Bureau of Reclamation (BurRec) that river flows would be raised to 10,000 cfs. This afternoon we were also told that at 9:00 PM tonight, flows will go to 11,000 cfs. It seems that recent rainfall has caused BurRec to alter their original plan to max out the flows at 8,500 cfs. In fact, here is an interesting quote from the BurRec’s Reservoir Operations Notification Form:
“The rainfall events from May 21-30, 2011 resulted in significant inflows into Bighorn Reservoir. During this period, an inflow of approximately 285,400 acre-feet of water entered Bighorn Reservoir, raising the elevation of the reservoir about 21.4 feet. Peak inflow during this period was about 18,400 cfs. The amount of water released from Yellowtail Dam during this period was approximately 123,400 acre-feet.”
Here is another excerpt:
“Additionally, Reclamation is currently projecting releases from Yellowtail Dam will need to average about 12,000 cfs on a daily basis through about July 31, 2011 in order to pass our projected inflows into Bighorn Reservoir. Actual daily releases may exceed 12,000 cfs for periods during this time frame.”
So there you have it: Not a big surprise. Lots of water coming our way for the next two months. Pass the split shot please.