Fishing and Access Update

Outstanding dry fly fishing once again on May 25th. The water was at 3,500 cfs most of the day, but they began to raise the water late yesterday afternoon. Currently, it is at 5,000 cfs. Baetis and midges are still coming off heavily. Fish can be snooty in certain areas when they get selective on midge pupa. Throw rocks at these fish and move downriver where the fish are dumber; or feel free to stay and test your psychological stability. Keep in mind that there is sometimes no magic fly for these situations. The sheer number of pupa in the water creates excessive competition for your fly; plus, the fish become very locked into a certain feeding rhythm. Anyway, I hope this makes some of you feel better.

Chance of rain today. Hopefully, we will avoid significant rainfall. Access into 3-Mile Access is restricted today as the county works on washed out culverts. Hopefully, they’ll get this knocked out quickly.

The Good Luck cut-across road from Lodge Grass creek to the Bighorn Valley is closed, but should reopen soon. The road is passable, and they are letting local farmers and ranchers through, but they want to restrict traffic on the road until they can inspect bridges and culverts. Plus, they want to avoid somebody getting stranded in the event of another rainstorm. Driving up from the south, you’ll need to exit at Hardin in order to access Highway 313.

A thunderstorm moves over the north end of the Bighorn Mountains near Fort Smith.

River Conditions at a Glance

Water Temperature: 37.2 °F
Lake Elevation: 59.99 ft
Inflows: 2260 cfs
River Releases: 2360 cfs
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